DATA Course

The DATA course — Drug and Alcohol Test is the first step for teens getting their learners permit in Florida.

Officially known as TLSAE – Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education — the DATA course teaches the critical concepts around how Drugs, Alcohol, Mood, and Your Physical State effect your ability to drive safely.

Who Needs to Take the Florida DATA Course?

Anyone seeking their learners permit or first driver's license in Florida must complete the Florida DATA drug and alcohol course. This online course is designed for teens between the ages of 14 and 17 seeking their learners permit, but it is also required for adults 18 and up who are applying for their first driver's license in the state of Florida.

How the DATA Course Works

Topics Addressed in the DATA Course

Here are examples of what the DATA course is all about. These are just a few examples. Note that this is not a difficult course and if you pay attention to the material the test is easy and you wil learn things that will make you a safer driver.

Physical Factors

Psychological Factors

Major Florida Traffic Laws

Questions and Answers About the Drug and Alcohol Test

What is the DATA course about and how long is the course?

The DATA Course (also known as TLSAE or DATE course) teaches you how drugs, alcohol, your mood and other factors effect your ability to drive safely. The course is a total of 4 hours long (a state requirement). On DMV Florida you can login and logout of the course so you can do it on your own schedule.

Who has to take the DATA Course?

Anyone getting their first drivers license in Florida is required to complete the DATA course. This is typically teenagers between 14 and 17 years old getting their learners permit but also applies to adults (18 or older) getting their first drivers license.

Do you have to take the DATA course to get your learner permit in Florida.

Yes, To get your learner permit you must complete the DATA course and you must pass the Permit Test.

Is there a test for the DATA Course?

As you progress through the DATA Course there are quizzes for each section and at the end of the DATA course there is a 40 question test. The test is not difficult if pay attention to the course materials.

What happens when I complete the DATA course, Do I receive a certificate?

The DMV does NOT accept paper certificates for the DATA course. When you complete your course your information is electronically transmitted to the DMV. When you go to the DMV to get your learner permit they will look up your information based on your name and social security number.

DMV Florida is an independent organization not affiliated with the state of Florida, the Florida DMV, the Department of Motor Vehicles, or DHSMV.