Some medical expenses, such as plan premiums, may be eligible as a tax deduction. Here’s how to check what was paid by your plan and find receipts to help you prepare for tax season.
If you’re on an employer-sponsored group plan, have an individual health plan or are on certain government-sponsored plans (Group 1 or 66), you can check the total amount of claims you’ve submitted for the previous year. The unpaid balances for most health and dental expenses can be claimed as a medical deduction on your income taxes, providing you meet the overall threshold required. You can confirm exactly what is eligible by checking the medical deduction section of the Canada Revenue website.
*The time period is defaulted to January 1, 2022. If you would like to select an earlier date, contact us at 1-800-661-6995.
If you prefer a paper copy and don’t have a printer, you can request a mailed copy by clicking on the link under the Generate report button.
If you have an individual health plan, you can also get a tax receipt for premiums paid. Premiums paid for health and dental benefits may be claimed as a deduction for income tax purposes if you meet the overall threshold for medical expenses to be claimed.
If you prefer a paper copy and don’t have a printer, you can request a mailed copy by clicking on the link under the Generate report button.
Note: If your individual plan premiums are being paid by a third party, such as an employer, you will not be able to access this feature.
*Make sure you’re signed into your individual plan to obtain your premium receipt.
If you’re on an employer plan, the portion you paid for health and dental premiums may be eligible as a deduction for income tax purposes if you meet the overall threshold for medical expenses to be claimed. As your premiums are taken from your payroll deductions, you can use your last paystub of the year as proof of your deductions.
If you have a Non-Group (Group 1) plan, you can also get a tax receipt for premiums paid. Premiums paid for health may be claimed as a deduction for income tax purposes if you meet the overall threshold for medical expenses to be claimed.
For assistance, please contact our Customer Services team toll free at 1-800-661-6995.